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A corner established during an original survey or during a survey of a plan of subdivision registered under the Land Titles Act or the Registry Act where the original surveyors post no longer exists or never existed and which cannot be re-established from the field notes of either of such surveys or by evidence under oath.
Source: Source

A "lost monument" is one whose position can be re-established only by measurements from some other monument or monuments to which it had previously been connected by survey.
Source: Source

Term: Lot
A unique parcel of land on a numbered registered plan of subdivision, or part of an original township concession.
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This is a surveyed dimension, shown on a plan, indicating the distance between a boundary and physical feature such as a building corner. Comparisons may be made on a survey plan with previous ties on older plans.
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All properties in Ontario carry another identification and numbering system dating back to the time of the first land settlers. Land was then divided into lots, concessions, townships, and more recently into subdivision plans, condominium plans, etc. as well as into Towns/Cities/Regions to enable us to describe each and every property. This underlying fabric is the base for the legal descriptions we rely on for all land transactions and government authorities' use. Note that the underlying lot fabric on the face of the plan must match the Title Block.
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The horizontal distance between the side lot lines.
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Term: Lot Line
The line that divides a lot from a street, private right of way, Crown shoreline reserve or high-water mark of a river or lake, and other lots.
Source: Source

An incorporated, non-profit, charitable organization formed for the purpose of protecting and preserving the ecological, agricultural, scenic, historic or recreational lands in its care. There are 44 land trusts in Ontario within the Ontario Land Trust Alliance.
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An advisory committee to a municipal council. It's prime responsibility is to recommend heritage property designation under the Ontario Heritage Act.
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